*Alcohol is responsible for almost 40% of all crimes throughout the world.
*3.3 million People would be alive every year.
*It is the second most leading cause of death, after tobacco.
*Nearly 8% of Male-deaths and 4 % female-deaths are alcohol-related.
*People would be less susceptible to
*10,000 Americans wouldn’t get killed each year by drunken driving.
*More people would be satisfied with how they lost their Virginity.
27% of youth wish they weren’t drunk then they lost theirs.
*More than half of the world doesn’t drink alcohol.
*There would be far fewer homicides each year.
*Alcohol plays a role in 40% of violent crimes.
*We would have more money.
* Americans spend 1% of their income on Booze.
*There would be more healthy babies.
*1 in 170 are born with fetal alcohol syndrome.
*Alcohol increases the likelihood of unprotected sex.
You should know How Alcohol Attacks your Brain and Damages your body.
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