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There is theory among many people that everything in our body is interconnected. The senses travel through a very complex system of message sending and receiving nerves, which send and receive messages from different parts of body and from different parts of the body to the brain.
All this happens in a millisecond. Sometimes when any part of your body hurts, it can mean an injury whether external or internal. But sometimes, when a body part is paining, it can be related to problems with some different organ of the body. One such part of body that may affect many other parts of the body, if it is damaged is the spine.
Read along to find out what damage to which part of the spine brings problems for which different part of the body.
1. Intervertebral discs of neck = Ears
It is perfectly agreeable that when something is connected to the nerves in the spinal vertebrae of the neck, it is bound to have some effects on the parts of face like ears, eyes etc.
Hence if you suddenly start to hear a ringing sound in your ears or you suddenly experience vision problems. Even things like difficulty in swallowing your food, these body malfunctions can be easily traced back to some kind of dysfunction in the intervertebral discs in your neck.
An intervertebral disc (or intervertebral fibrocartilage) is a cartilage that lies between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column. This is to allow a bit of movement in the vertebrae and it also holds the vertebrae together.
2. Cervical spine = arms and hands
Cervical vertebrae are the vertebrae right below the skull in your spinal cord. These vertebrae have holes in them in order to allow passage of the vertebral artery. The function of these vertebrae is to allow the yes or no sideways movement of the head as well as the up and down movement.
Any injury to these vertebrae can result in immediate death or paralysis of the arms, legs and diaphragm, which in turn leads to respiratory failure. Hence if you are feeling sore arms or some tingling in the arms, visit a doctor and get your cervical vertebrae checked out.
3. Thoracic vertebrae = Heart, stomach
The Thoracic vertebrae make up the middle portion of the human spinal column. Also they have the provision for ribs to connect with them.
This also houses the organs of our body such as heart, intestines and other very important organs. But if you injure or fracture your Thoracic vertebrae, it can result in severe pain for you to pick up heavy items. It could also result in a broken rib and maybe, problems with the area near the heart or stomach.
4. Lumbar Vertebrae = Hip, thigh and feet
The lumbar vertebrae are 5 in number and are present between the ribcage and the pelvis. They support the weight of the body and also allow movement like walking, running, folding legs etc.
If someone suffers a lower back injury, most probably, that person has injured this particular area of the spinal column. The harm can come through the means of sports, accidents, falls and violence. But the problem is any injury to this part means the movement of that person is severely compromised.
And it can lead to loss of sensitivity in the feet, difficulty in walking, pain in hips etc. another cause of concern is osteoporosis. This disease weakens the bones of the body and in turn can damage the lumbar vertebrae causing pain in lower back and legs, feet and hips.
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