Pointers, teachers, drivers of public transport … for certain jobs going to the bathroom is not something that can be done at any time.
And not to mention the moms who do so many things at once!
In times when we encourage drinking fluids to keep hydrated and purify the body, the need to urinate is increased and it is good that this happens, but when we must delay this time for work or for any other reason, this can cause problems for our Health.
Even on occasion, there are those who retain the need to urinate by habit, without knowing how dangerous this can be.
How many times a day do you urinate? Do you usually hold your urine sometime? If the answer is yes, how often? What is the reason?
If you answered less than six times to the first question and you had an affirmative answer to the following, it is important that you know that you are at risk of generating problems for your health.
Every time we prevent our body from releasing the bladder, we expose ourselves to problems that range from a simple urinary infection, and we already know how painful it is, to other, more dangerous and more difficult diseases to treat.
Let’s find out in detail what are the risks we run every time we hold back the need to urinate.
1) Urinary infection:
Urine is loaded with bacteria and toxins from which the body naturally melts. If we leave the urine deposited in our body for a long time, we run the risk of turning the bladder into a real breeding ground for germs.
Acidity levels in the urine will increase rapidly, irritating the walls of the bladder and the urinary ducts.
Normally, we should go to the bathroom between 6 and 8 times a day to evacuate the water and the organic substances that each body must eliminate. Obviously, to achieve these amounts, it is important to consume the amount of water needed and take into account variables such as weight, age, sex and the intensity of physical activity performed by each person.
To avoid urinary tract infections, consider urinating every three or four hours. For this, you can help by consuming naturally diuretic foods such as tea, citrus, pineapple, apple, pear, and watermelon.
2) Deformation of the bladder:
By force of containing important quantities of urine, your bladder runs the risk of relaxing in the long term and of becoming bigger. This is very bad because it degrades the functions of the organ!
Normally, this organ has the necessary size to contain enough urine during the time we need to go to the bathroom. If it enlarges, you will not feel so much need to urinate and as a result, the urine will remain for a longer time inside the bladder becoming harmful before the reflection of eliminating the liquid arises.
In general, a normal-sized bladder should not contain more than 440 ml of urine. Some people, even when they drink almost 2 liters of fluid a day, do not go to the bathroom more than twice a day. This amount of water is too important for the bladder which, to support the load, must be enlarged.

It is a vicious circle that is installed. The bladder gradually spreads, the number of stored urine increases, the walls of this organ irritate more easily …
If necessary, schedule an alarm to remind you to urinate.
3) Cystitis and pyelonephritis:
What was at first a mild urinary infection becomes something more dangerous and more serious. After having reached the urinary duct and the walls of the bladder, infection and irritation now reach the kidneys and that is where it gets complicated.
Cystitis usually affects women because they are the ones who most frequently retain the need to urinate. The disposition of the genitals also explains this statistic.
This disease is accompanied by acute pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen when urinating. While cystitis does not heal, the bacteria spread and attack the kidneys. At this time, it is a renal function that is affected and the whole organism is unbalanced.
To take care of your body, keep in mind to urinate with a regular rhythm and systematically check the color of the urine to make sure there are no problems.
Nervous urine:
Contrary to certain animal species, men cannot recover their urine. Black bears, for example, do not urinate during their hibernation but are able to recycle water from their bladders. For humans, it’s different. Once the fluid is in the bladder, it remains there. The bladder only serves as a reservoir.
But there is also a “nervous urine,” explains Dr. Schalken. This is a sensation of wanting to urinate that disappears after a few moments. The idea of urinating can be found in the head of an athlete, for example, who, before starting a race, can feel the need but after it has started, the sensation disappears.
How many times has it happened to you? Although you do not perform the jobs we mentioned at the beginning, we know that women are postponing practically everything and the need to urinate is no exception.
How many times have we gone to the bathroom and left the door open to control what children do? We are in so many things at the same time that we are leaving for the last to go to the bathroom.
Let us be careful respecting the needs of the body and listening to it. Do not leave it for later!
Source: homeremediesgarden.com
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