When you were a passenger in a moving car, have you ever wanted to stick your hand out the window and feel the wind rushing past? We’ve all done it. But invariably, a parent or someone who cares for our wellbeing, tells us to be careful because we could get slammed into a street sign, a tree branch or a lamppost. Unfortunately, a Russian woman died while on vacation in the Dominican Republic because she was hanging out the window when she struck a lamppost.

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She wasn’t driving the car, but was the passenger. She was allegedly topless and the driver was recording her on a mobile phone when the horrible accident occurred.
35-year-old Natalia Borodina was from Moscow and was a mother. She was fooling around on the trip to the D.R. and had removed her bikini top. She was excited that she was on camera and was trying to have fun with the driver. She was half in and half out of the car window while her friend was driving the car recklessly.
In the clip, the mother of one lets her upper body hang out the window. The car is speeding along the rough roads and she simply doesn’t see the lamppost that is careening toward her. If she had, she might have been able to get back into the car and back to safety.
The young mother was with her girlfriend, the young Ivanna Boirachuk, 32, who is thought to have been driving the car. She was also the one filming the mother reaching her torso out of the vehicle.
The pair were driving along a highway near Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Punta Cana is a popular destination spot for tourists from around the world.
In the video, the mother of one is naked from the waist up. At that moment she decides to hang out the window and surprise people who happen to be passing by.
While sticking out the window, she seductively puts her finger in her mouth. And then she laughs at the camera in a playful manner. But within a few moments of her playful act, she slams into the lamppost. And the video captures that horrible moment for the world to see.
Russian news agencies reported on the story. They said that the mother of one was rushed to the hospital but died there after suffering “serious injuries.”
According to the video footage, that is an understatement. She was brutally beaten as her friend drove her accidentally into the lamppost.
“The woman was having fun demonstrating her body while her companion drove the car,” Moskovsky Komsomolets reported.
Her son was on vacation with her in the Dominican Republic. He is about eight years old and is distraught that his mother came to an untimely end.
Natalia Borodina originally came from an industrial city near the Urals called Zlatoust. But she later relocated to the bustling city of Moscow.
She was last working in Cannes, France as a estate agent, selling property items to wealthy Russian buyers.
Her family and friends are all aware of her saddening death.