One of the toughest sicknesses that humans battle is cancer. If it’s already in your family, you’re most likely a bit mindful of it and if you’re not, it’s probably a good idea to start taking some notes and precautions.

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This should include regular visits to the doctor in order to track signs and changes and to take preventative steps. You should also be aware of the risk even if it’s not directly in your family. Many people are unable to spot the early signs of cancer.
It is very important to be fully informed on some of the signs that can point towards cancer. We should all be able to recognize these signs and be able to determine if they’re an early indication.
Here are 12 warning signs that could help you detect cancer before it’s too late to do anything about it. Please note that if you see any of these symptoms you shouldn’t assume anything too drastic. See your doctor first before you self-diagnose with anything.
1. All Cancers: Although there are several different types of cancer, there are certain signs that each of them has in common. Mostly they are related to the way the body reacts to unwanted organisms.
2. Change In Stool: Diet isn’t the only thing that can affect this. If you notice frequent diarrhea, and irregularity then this could be a sign of digestive tract cancer. If it’s accompanied by abdominal discomfort it can likely signify this.
3. Changes in Urination: This also goes for number 1. If you experience having to urinate more often that usual or discomfort, then this can be an indication of prostate or bladder cancers.
4. Sores: These can indicate oral and skin cancer as well as cancers in the lower regions. If you see something, you should contact your doctor right away.
5. Bleeding: Blood in the stool or urine can be a sign of several types of cancer. Coughing up blood and bloody discharge is also not the best sign. Contact your doctor as soon as you experience any sort of unusual bleeding.
6. Lumps: This is the sign that most people are familiar with. If you find one, your best bet is to contact a doctor or physician.
7. Indigestion: This is probably the most undiagnosed symptom, most likely due to the fact that it’s a pretty common problem. It can be a sign of gastrointestinal tract cancer, especially if it’s partnered with consistent stomach discomfort and issues swallowing.
8. Changes In Freckles or Moles: If you have freckles or birthmarks and you notice changes such as itching, growth, or flaking, this can be a sign of cancer and you should definitely consider talking to a professional.
9. Changes to Skin: If you notice red, yellow, or darkened skin, this can be a sign of cancer–but it doesn’t always mean this. Make sure to consult with your doctor.
10. Discomfort: If you experience consistent pain such as back pain and headaches, it could be a sign of some types of cancer. Make sure to talk to a medical professional if you feel any of these symptoms.
11. Weight Loss: If you notice that you’re dropping weight and you’re not dieting or exercising, this could be a sign. According to the American Cancer Society, most cancer patients experience abrupt weight-loss.
12. Coughing: Constant coughing and a scratchy throat could be a possible indication of cancer in the breathing tract such as throat or lung cancer. Always consult with your doctor if you notice anything irregular.