While having siblings, in general, can have its ups and downs, there seem to be some pretty positive sides to having a sister specifically. Perhaps you should be thanking your sister for things you’re not necessarily even aware of.

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Sisters can improve our mental health, and here’s how it works. … The study found that regardless of the difference in age, having a sister eliminates feelings of guilt, fear, loneliness, and lack of love. Sometimes it’s easier for children to share their secrets and doubts with their peers, than with their parents.
In a study carried out by the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University in the US, having a sister makes you a better person. … The research also suggested that having a sister promoted better mental health and that sisters helped their siblings from feeling lonely, guilty, fearful and self-conscious.
A sister could teach you a lot about conflict-resolution, empathy and how to nurture others. You could learn how to handle tough arguments or diffuse escalating situations by interacting with your “combative” or “physically intimidating” older sister. On the other side, having a younger sibling who’s insecure or needs guidance can help you become more nurturing and empathetic to others.
There are many proven benefits to sisters. They help you develop social skills, like communication, compromise and negotiation. Even sibling conflict, if it is minor, can promote healthy development. Many parents justifiably worry about the seemingly endless fighting between siblings. The hostility is associated with a greater risk of delinquency. The fights give children a chance to learn how to make up and to regain control of their emotions, skills that come in handy down the road.
While having a sibling regardless of gender and a good relationship with them can promote good deeds and be quite strong when you have a sister you gain that plus also learn to resolve conflicts better and how to nurture others on a more positive level. For their study, these researchers looked at almost four hundred different families consisting of multi-children households after looking into the family dynamic as a whole of each and breaking things down they followed up with each one a year later.
In doing this they found that statistically having a sister protected adolescents from feeling lonely, unloved, guilty, and even gave them a confidence boost. Whether the sister was younger or older it did not matter, the benefits were quite clear. Sure, siblings do fight sometimes but for the most part, they also help one another grow and have each other’s backs when needed.
A study found that having a loving sibling of either gender promoted good deeds, such as helping a neighbor or watching out for other kids at school. In fact, loving siblings fostered charitable attitudes more than loving parents did. The relationship between sibling affection and good deeds was twice as strong as that between parenting and good deeds. Sisters play a role in promoting positive mental health, and later in life they often do more to keep families in contact with one another after the parents pass.
If you and your siblings have a positive relationship you will be able to grow with one another and benefit drastically. When we have siblings we gain a support system that is much stronger than that of the support of just our parents. We have people who are going through similar things to us, and we have someone to go to when we need to talk. If you and your siblings have a good connection with one another you should probably remind them of how much they mean to you, without them you probably would not be who you are today at this moment.
Having sisters open up channels of communication and it becomes a much more expressive situation and that’s positive. Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families.