It is common to have sweaty feet at times, but excessive sweating can indicate a condition called hyperhidrosis. Sweaty feet can also lead to other health issues, such as foot odour, athlete’s foot, and toenail fungus.

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No one likes smelly feet. Sweaty feet can be really awkward. When it’s hot and you know your feet will be foul-smelling and sweaty, taking off your shoes in front of other people may not be something you are looking forward to. Most people may not judge you because of an unpleasant smell, but this can give you confidence.
According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, hyperhidrosis affects almost 5 percent of people worldwide. Those with excessive sweating of the feet, called plantar hyperhidrosis, can struggle to keep them dry throughout the day. The sweat glands continue to produce extreme quantities of sweat, which many people find both uncomfortable and embarrassing.
Sweaty feet are often uncomfortable, and they can be embarrassing for some people. There are many home remedies to prevent and manage sweaty feet. Good foot hygiene is essential to managing excessive sweating and preventing foot odours and infection. We have a range of tips for you which either help you prevent your feet from sweating in the first place or help you get rid of smelly feet when you already have it.
Do you want to prevent your feet from getting smelly? Then you should make sure you wear the right socks for the right season and activity. When the weather is warm outside, it is best to wear cotton socks as they provide proper ventilation. During the winter months, you can wear woollen socks if your feet become cold easily. Do not wear nylon socks; these can trap moisture and will cause your feet to become sweaty more quickly. You can also choose to wear sports socks or other socks that cause moisture wicking.
Do you know that your feet actually have more sweat glands than any other part of your body? So why not spray them with deodorant to prevent them from sweating, right? That’s what we all do with our armpits, after all. Use an antiperspirant deodorant and spray your dry feet before bed. Rinse it in the morning. Do this for three or four consecutive days and then order it once or twice a week.
Antifungal powders
An antifungal foot powder will help to keep feet dry and odor-free. An alternative option is to apply a light dusting of cornstarch to the feet. Cornstarch, however, does not fight fungus in the way that antifungal powders do.
Drinking water can actually help prevent sweating. Making sure you are properly hydrated helps regulating your body temperature. This means you are less likely to start sweating profusely.
Suitable shoes
It is important to make sure you wear the right shoes. When the weather is warm outside, it is best to choose a pair of shoes made of breathable fabric, such as leather or cloth. Materials such as patent or plastic will lock the sweat inside the shoe because there is no proper airflow – so you want to avoid it. Another tip: Always make sure your shoes are the right size. Wearing very small shoes can lead to sweat more quickly.How to get rid of sweaty feet
Even the best preventive techniques will not always stop feet from becoming sweaty. When sweating occurs, performing the following actions may help:
Washing your feet
Washing sweaty feet not only rinses away sweat and bacteria but cools the skin down and reduces further sweating.
Aim to wash the feet at least once, if not twice, a day. Use an over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal soap or add a few drops of antimicrobial essential oil, such as tea tree or eucalyptus, to the water. Dry the feet thoroughly, especially in between the toes. Damp feet allow bacteria and fungus to flourish. Apply a light dusting of antifungal powder or cornstarch before slipping on cotton socks and breathable shoes.
Foot bath
You will need:-
- Listerine
- Vinegar
- WaterInstructions:
Take a glass of Listerine, a glass of vinegar and a glass of warm water and mix in a basin. Place your feet in the tub and let them soak for 15 minutes. Listerine will kill all the bacteria on your feet, making them smell much fresher. Vinegar also acts as a bacterial killer: bacteria do not like the acidity of vinegar. Additional Bonus: The ingredients in the foot bath will cause the pores in your feet to become smaller, which means they won’t start to sweat easily. You will also get gentle and soft feet because dead skin cells on your feet will be removed.
Soaking feet in black tea
Using black tea may be an effective way to stop sweating.
This unusual remedy involves soaking the feet in a basin of warm water with two black tea bags. The tannins in the tea close the pores in the skin, reducing sweating.
Allow sweaty feet to soak for 20 minutes at a time. Repeat this treatment daily if necessary.
Carrying spare socks
When it is not possible to wash or soak the feet, change into a fresh pair of socks. Again, choose moisture-wicking or natural cotton socks. Keep spare pairs of socks at school or work so that it is possible to refresh the feet instantly.
Changing shoes
Hot shoes will make feet warmer and sweatier. When feet start to sweat, change into a cool, fresh pair of shoes.
Try to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes on 2 consecutive days. This gives the shoes a chance to dry out completely between wears. To speed up this process, leave footwear outside for 1–2 hours on dry days.
Applying rubbing alcohol
For fast relief, dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol between the toes or on sweaty areas of the feet. This will instantly dry out the feet and stop foot odours.
However, it is essential to avoid using this remedy regularly as it can dry out the feet too much and lead to skin irritation.