Very often people complain that they were born during the wrong age, or in the wrong country. Why does this happen? There are many explanations, and many people believe that we live on this planet more than once, the tricky part is that very often we have no memories of our previous lives, just some lingering, indefinite aftertaste.

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There are seven lives you are bound to live on this planet. Would you like to know which one you are living right now?
1 Baby
You are just a baby to this world, this is indeed your first time being in this world. There is no wonder why everything seems so difficult and challenging for you, you know nothing and life is tough on you, but you shouldn’t give in to despair, it will get better next time!
2 Student
This one is more interesting. This is your second birth. You are amazed by everything and everyone around you. Everything you do, you do to understand the world around you better. You spend almost all of your time trying to learn something new, to understand the world deeper. This is a stage that prepares you for something greater ahead.
3 Adventurer
Now, that you know what you can expect from life it is time to explore. But this time you want to explore the world around you, new places are like magnets for you, staying in one place is definitely not for you. So much to see, to experience and so little time…Nevertheless, this is a very exciting phase, your third life.
4 Lover
Your forth life means that you have already learned and explored everything you had to and now it is time to settle down, and look for your true love. If you constantly think about finding that one true love – this is it, the forth life. For sure, you will succeed, and once you find your soulmate it will be forever!
5 Taker
This is the life that will bring you success and fame, and you know that. Everything you do, you know how it is going to work and you expect it to bring your recognition any day now. If you feel that way – great, in case not, do not worry this is simple one of the previous stages.
6 Giver
This is the time you return the favor. Your sixth life is completely devoted to helping others, but you like it more than anything. So if you find yourself thinking about the others more than you think of yourself, then this is it – sixth time you being here!
7 Transcendence
Seventh life is the last one, but you are no upset by it, all that you want is some greater knowledge that waits for you somewhere beyond. If anything that happens around you makes no sense to you and you think that this is completely trivial – you are ready for the great beyond!