If looking down from the edge of a cliff or a tall office building gives you a little thrill in the depths of your tummy, then here’s a post that will tie your tummy into knots! We’ve found 30 of the most death-defying photos out there that will test even our most hardened readers.
Having a “head for heights” is great if you’re a thrill seeker or someone who has to work at high altitudes, and some people consider their tolerance for heights to be a source of pride, but many scientists consider the fear of heights to be an advantageous trait. The famous “visual cliff” experiment proved that even year-old infants have depth perception and are less likely to approach their mother if they have to cross a glass-covered chasm that may look like a cliff edge to them.

Photo: Gordon Wiltsie25

Photo: Corey Rich

Photo: Brian Mosbaugh

Photo: Keith Ladzinski
Photo: Natasha Sadovskaya
Photo: Andreas Resch
Photo: richard0428
Photo: Mustang Wanted
Photo: Jordan Matters
Photo: Solent News/Rex/Rex USA
Photo: Lucas Gilman
Photo: Kirill Oreshkin
Photo: Romina Amato
Photo: Roof Topper
Photo: Ronny Randen
Photo: Isaac Gautschi
Photo: tapiture.com
Photo: Alex Emanuel Koch
Photo: Jared Alden
Photo: Dan Carr
Photo: Greg Sims
Photo: Christian Pondella
Photo: Alex Honnold
Photo: Krystle Wright
Photo: SHAMS /BARCROFT MEDIA/Barcroft Media /Landov
Photo: Michael Nichols
Photo: Desre Tate
Photo: secondglobe.com
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