Day: 5

The Oil That Treats Chickenpox, Psoriasis, Cold Sores And Much More

Melaleuca oil or tea tree oil, is an essential oil that comes from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia. This oil contains 92 different compounds and can be yellow or clear.The plant is found in Southeast Queensland and the Northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. The plant is said to have a fresh smell

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Why Does The West Hate Putin? Here Is The Secret Reason

The Official Reasons We all know the governments of the West, lead by the US and the UK, have turned against Russia. There are many reasons offered by our media: Russia tried to stop the Ukraine from joining the EU. Russia helped the “pro-Russian rebels” shoot down MH-17. Russia “invaded” the Crimea illegally. Thousands of

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Oldest Human Aged 146, Dies In Indonesia

Sodimedjo, also known as Mbah Ghoto (grandpa Ghoto), was born in December 1870. But Indonesia only started recording births in 1900 - and there have been mistakes before. Yet officials told the BBC his papers were valid, based on documents he provided and interviews with him. He was taken to hospital on 12 April because

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Men Can Do Anything They Want To Women In Honduras

In 2014, a 19-year-old small town girl named Maria Jose Alvarado catapulted onto the world stage when her brilliant smile and sweet personality won her the Miss Honduras crown. With a freshly minted passport, she was set to compete for the prestigious Miss World title in London, a trip which would be the first plane

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