Early detection of any ailment is the first step for less suffering and early cure, and for early detection you may not always have to go to the doctor. Some diseases can be detected by easy symptoms shown by your fingernails. Early detection of any ailment is the first step for less suffering and early cure, and for early detection you may not always have to go to the doctor. Some diseases can be detected by easy symptoms shown by your fingernails.

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This information is worth a thousand dollars. It has been and will continue to benefit every person who will become aware of it. Examine your own fingernails carefully.
Your nails can reveal about your overall health issues. Many serious health issues along with serious problems in lungs, liver and heart can be seen and detected early through your fingernails. All the hidden secrets about your nails are revealed over here:
Pale Nails
Although pale nails are many times linked with ageing but it could also be an early sign of few serious illnesses like Anaemia, Liver Disease, Malnutrition, Congestive Heart Failure and Diabetes.
White Nails
If your nails are mostly white but also have darker rims then it could be an indication to a liver problem, like Hepatitis or Jaundice.
Yellow Nails
In most of the cases yellow nails are caused due to a fungal infection, and as the infection becomes worse, the nail crumbles and the nail bed. In very rare cases, having yellow nails can also be a result of a very severe issue like like Psoriasis or Thyroid.Disease.
Bluish Nails
It can be due to the fact that your body may not be getting adequate oxygen, which could be due to a lung infection like Pneumonia.
Rippled Nails
If the nail surface is rippled of the tip, it may be an early sign of ailments like Inflammatory Arthritis or Psoriasis. (It is a skin ailment which starts from the nails in almost 10% of the cases)
Crack and Split Nails
Brittle dry nails which split or crack have been considered to be a signal of Thyroid Disease. Splitting or Cracking together with yellowish hue is caused because of fungal infections.
Puffy Nail Fold
When the skin surrounding the nails gets puffy and red, it might be caused due to the result of a connective or lupus tissue disorder. This case is known as inflammation of nail fold.
Dark Lines underneath the Nails
They should be taken care of as soon as possible. Sometimes this is caused due to Melanoma, and it is a very dangerous form of skin cancer.
Gnawed Nails
Nail biting may only be old habit for you, but in few cases it is proved to be a sign of Persistent anxiety which could corrected with the help of a proper treatment. Nail biting habit have also been linked to Obsessive compulsive disorder. In such cases contacting your doctor could prove to be of great help.
So take this information very seriously, because this can help you in need and reveal a hidden ailment which you might have been neglecting otherwise, and help you to recover it in the beginning itself.