Cigarettes have been considered cool, sexy and have been widely enjoyed by many around the globe. The movies have also depicted the actor as the cool one with a lit cigarette in his hand. The scenario has changed now, and what was considered cool during the early days is now more of a taboo because of the spreading awareness of its harmful effects on our health. It is a well-established fact now that a significant number of teens get hooked to smoking cigarettes each day without realizing that it can lead to a lifelong addiction and deteriorate their health.

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Here are some eye-opening and interesting facts about smoking cigarettes:
- According to new research, men lose about 12 years of life expectancy if they smoke; while women lose 11 years. The study also says that kicking the habit by age 40 reduces the excess risk of death by about 90%.
- Hitler didn’t smoke or support smoking. Surprisingly, despite Hitler’s apathy for human life, he became the first person in history to put together a vigorous anti-smoking campaign during the 1930s and ’40s. Nazi scientists were the first to discover that smoking causes lung cancer.
- In 1970, despite being an avid smoker, Richard Nixon (the then US President) signed legislation officially banning cigarette ads on television and radio. You can consider it a classic case of irony that the legislation was signed by a person who actually smoked as many as eight bowls a day.
- A stick of cigarette contains more than 69 carcinogenic chemical compounds such as- Benzene, Carbon Monoxide, Arsenic, Hydrogen Cyanide, Polonium 210, etc. Some companies also add Urea to cigarettes. Urea is also found in human urine- that’s pee!
- While smoking deteriorates your lungs it also leads to diabetes as Sugar is among the major component that is added to make a cigarette more dangerous.
- Although the negative impacts of cigarette smoking on our health have been well documented, there are shreds of evidence that smokers have a lower incidence of some neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. It may be that Nicotine might have therapeutic potential as a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agent.
- Cigarette or smoking tobacco is considered the ultimate gateway drug, which opens the door to other drugs as well. According to a WHO report, teens who smoke are 3 times more likely than non-smokers to use alcohol, 8 times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine.
- People give different reasons for smoking- pleasure, stress relief, or in social situations. However, there’s a science behind the addiction; in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, Nicotine is the main addictive substance. Within 10 seconds when Nicotine enters your body, it reaches your brain.
- Nicotine causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes you feel happy and relaxed. However, soon the buzz of pleasure fades away, and your body again craves for that buzz of pleasure, and you again lit that enigmatic stick, and that’s what we call “Addiction.”
- Ardi Rizal – a 2-year-old boy from Indonesia, made the headlines in 2010 for his smoking habit of 40 cigarettes a day.
- In spite of all the rumors around the world that cigarette smoking prevents the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, it has been concluded with various studies that smoking can only enhance the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and nothing less than that.
- Philip Morris in 2001 advised the Czech government to support smoking cigarettes so that the mortality rates would increase and the government could save on healthcare, pensions and provide housing to the elderly. It induced a powerful negative reaction, and the employees are till date prohibited talking about it.
There may be plenty of reasons for you to smoke, but there are even more reasons to quit smoking. From being highly cancerous to being the leading cause of deaths in the world, cigarette smoking gives you many reasons to call it a quit.