Lemon and lime are similar tropical citrus fruits many people are confused about. They resemble each other in taste, shape and nutritional profile, but they also differ by a lot. Scientifically, lemons are known as Citrus Lemon, while limes are named Citrus aurantifolia. Lemons are larger in size than limes and are sour in taste, unlike limes which can be bitter or sweet depending on the variety.

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Lemons are oval in shape while limes are round, and both of them have a lot of vitamin C like all citrus fruits. In general, lemons have about 53 mg. of vitamin C while limes contain 29 mg. of the vitamin. Limes are also rich in vitamin A, while lemons contain a lot of potassium and folic acid.
As we already mentioned, lemons and limes have a similar nutritional profile – they contain almost the same vitamins and minerals and are also full of antioxidants which can fight cancer. Both fruits contain limonoids that can fight carcinogens and although they taste acidic, they are alkaline in nature. Bot fruits can remove toxins from your body which can be the main cause of inflammation and health problems such as diabetes and cancer.
As you can see, both fruits are highly healthy which is why experts recommend adding them to your diet. Start eating them today and you will improve your overall health soon!